Monday, January 14, 2008

Jena 6 story thoroughly unpacked

This week's Weekly Standard contains a fantastic exposé on the Jena 6 'scandal' written by Charlotte Allen. The Jena 6 affair has been a hot issue among students who uncritically accepted the unequal justice narrative that represented the Jena 6 as innocent victims of institutionalized racism. Like the Duke Lacrosse case, this racial angle turned out to be essentially manufactured. There is certainly residual racism in small southern towns in the forms of de facto segregation and income disparities. Still, this story serves as a good reminder that this racism usually doesn't lie where the Rev. Jesse Jackson says it does.

The article is available for free here:

Raison d'être

Why create this blog when I have plenty of school work, lectures, friends, and other nuisances to occupy my time? There are a number of reasons.

1. It's a place to rant both about national issues and campus politics that frustrate me. This will allow me to maintain my mental health in the face of the sometimes maddening dominance of the left here at Princeton and nationally.

2. It's good practice. Anything that makes me write 250 words a day has got to improve me as a person.

3. Someone might actually read it.